Fourier Series


Let be a reasonably well behaved -periodic function (i.e. for all ). Then can be expressed as an infinite series

The values of the coefficients can be found using the orthogonality of basic exponential sinusoids. For any ,

where the second to last line uses Kronecker delta notation. Thus by the periodicity of and the exponential function

Relation to the Fourier Transform

Now suppose we have a function , and we construct an -periodic version

The coefficients of the Fourier Series of are


Thus the periodic summation of is completely determined by discrete samples of . This is remarkable in that an uncountable set of numbers (all the values taken by over one period) can be determined by a countable one (the samples of ). Even more incredible, if has finite bandwidth then only a finite number of the samples will be nonzero. So the uncountable set of numbers is determined by a finite one.

As an aside, by taking we can derive the Poisson summation formula:

Derivation of the Discrete Time Fourier Transform

We can apply the above results to as well. Recall that the Fourier transform of is . Thus the periodic summation of is

This is precisely the definition of the discrete time Fourier transform.

If is time-limited, then we’ll have only a finite number of nonzero samples. But then is necessarily not bandwidth limited, so the tails of will overlap in the periodic summation. On the other hand, if is bandwidth limited, for sufficiently large we can recover . To do so perfectly requires an infinite number of samples, but in practice reasonably bandwidth limited signals can still be recovered quite well from a finite number of samples.

Interpretation of the Discrete Fourier Transform

Forward DFT

Suppose we take samples of a function at integer multiples of a time (or distance, etc.). As we saw above,

So when is time limited such that only the samples , , are nonzero,

In this case the discrete Fourier transform gives us evenly spaced samples from one period of . Namely, for ,

Backward DFT


So when is bandwidth limited such that only the samples , , are nonzero,

And in this case the inverse discrete Fourier transform gives us evenly spaced samples from one period of . Namely, for ,


If were both time and bandwidth limited as discussed above, then and . So the samples of we get from the forward DFT could be fed into the backward DFT to exactly recover our original samples of . Unfortunately no such functions exist, but in practice it works pretty well for signals that strike a balance between time and bandwidth limits. The penalty for the imprecision is some aliasing caused by overlapping tails in the periodic summations. So make sure is large enough to avoid significant aliasing in the frequency domain, and is large enough to avoid significant aliasing in the time (or space, etc. domain).

We also see why the frequency spectra obtained from the DFT is periodic: we’re not getting samples of , but of its periodic summation. If is localized near the origin, it can be more instructive to view half the samples of provided by the DFT as representing positive frequencies, and the other half as negative frequencies.