Problem Set 6


Find the electric field for an infinitesimal dipole radiator.

This problem is most naturally expressed in spherical coordinates. We know that the vector potential is

So the electric field is “simply”

First let’s find .

For any function in spherical coordinates,

So the three components of are

Putting these together (and recalling that ) we find that


What is the magnitude of the Poynting vector at a distance of 1 km from an antenna radiating 1 kW of power, assuming that it is an isotropic radiator with a wavelength much less than 1 km? What is the peak electric field strength at that distance?

Since it’s an isotropic radiator, the Poynting vector must point along . Similarly its magnitude must depend only on , so we can compute its time average value by dividing the total power by the total area.

Since , locally the radiation will look like a plane wave. Thus E and H are perpendicular, and .

Solving for ,


For what value of is the maximum power delivered to the load in Figure 8.3?

By Ohm’s Law (where is the radiation resistance, and the load resistance). Thus and the power dissipated in the load resistance is

To maximize this we take the derivative

Setting this to zero implies , or


For an infinitesimal dipole antenna, what are the gain and the area, and what is their ratio?

From the text we know that



since .

To find the area, recall that the maximum power received is . This will be equal to the area times the Poynting vector. Thus

Solving for ,

since for an infinitesimal dipole radiator

Now we need to relate the voltage and the maximum magnitude of the electric field. The whole point of the antenna is to pick up oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and the presence of the latter makes voltage path dependent. So let’s integrate along our (infinitely thin) antenna. Our antenna has an infinitesimal length , so the field will be constant across it. Thus the integral is just times the electric field, i.e. . As such

Finally we see that the area gain ratio is