Installing the Epilog laser cutter as a networked printer via ethernet port

Amy Sun [] 7/11/05
Some FabLabs use the ethernet connection on the Epilog laser cutter. This is particularly true at labs with the Epilog Legend Mini model have only a USB and ethernet connection. To my knowledge, the Mini model is at Pabal (India), South Africa, and soon to be Costa Rica. These instructions are meant for Epilog cutters which are connected via the ethernet connection (on the back side of the cutter) to a network hub or switch.

  1. "K" -> Settings -> Printing Manager
  2. "Add" -> Add Printer/Class, click "Next"
  3. check "Remote LPD Queue", click "Next"
  4. Host: enter the IP address of the Epilog
    Queue: raw
    , it will complain that it can't find the queue, click on "yes" continue anyway
  5. check Raw printer near the bottom of the window, click "Next"
  6. Next (do not send test page), Next, Next, Next
  7. Name: epilog
    other fields are optional, click "Next"
  8. "Finish"

And there you have it!

You use the lp commands to send or query.
