A stepper motor (55MO048D2U) driving a pulley wheel with 10 cm radius.
The circumference of the pulley is ~ 60cm (2*PI*r), so a single cycle of the motor will travel 60cm up or down. The torque is 10*weight of the balsa wood planes.
The Sharp GP2Y0A infrared sensor reads a distance with a range of
10cm-80cm, reports the distance as analog voltage.
Control and Comunication
An ATtiny 26 microcontroller for motor control, infrared sensing, and IP packet
transmission. When a signal from the infrared sensor is received, tiny26 measures the analog signal by the A/D, drives the motor according to the distance value, and sends the same data coupled with an IP packet to another
controller. So both the infrared sensor and the transmitted data will be able to trigger the microcontroller to drive the motor.
Some pseudo code for the mechanism:
if(received.UP || ir.UP){ send(DOWN); motor(UP); } else if(received.DOWN || ir.DOWN){ send(UP); motor(DOWN); }
Version Alpha
Two hanged planes controlled by the motor and a gear system, triggered with infrared sensors and IP transmission.
Version Beta
An array of hanged planes with the same mechanism. Use of the network transmission and
motor response time for optimization.
Version 1.0
An array of planes working in relation to their neighbourhood planes, and use of
the distance data from IR sensor to have a more responsive form.
Version 1.1
Refinement of the whole system based on tests and feedback.
+ if i use a r=10cm gear, my revolution will be 2*PI*r = 60cm. so only one full cycle creates the distance i need. but this is a huge gear and needs some reasonable torque.
+ is "step per revolution" important? and "step angle"?
+ there is a "holding torque" that we need to consider, but how?
+ RPM (revolution per minute) which is also mean (velocity = distance /time)
+ Torque = Force x Distance (a torque is the force that produces rotation)
+ A decision between digitally and physically distributed actuators is needed.