17oct2005 - Fifth Assignment

I plan to keep working on this process, since the relative speed of cutting (i.e. versus the modela) is extremely fast, and the result (a flexible board) is quite versatile, and relatively inexpensive, in comparison to the available pcb boards. If I can work things out such that weed time is reduced, then this will be a clear winner.
17oct2005 - Fifth Assignment

For this week's assignment, I chose to make the hello board using the vinyl cutter. A bit of trial and error was involved, and by far the most time consuming part of the process was 'weeding' the negative traces, which is made especially difficult by the thickness and elasticity of the adhesives, and the fact that cutter pressure settings that won't tear up the board still leaves some parts not cut completely through. The result was that I wound up going back over all of the traces with a blade. As for the thickness and elasticity of the adhesives, this made small pieces of non-weed traces prone to displacement. After the bit of surgery, anyway, the result is neat enough.