Waterproof, Digital Archival Hydrophone for Harbour Porpoises

Stacy DeRuiter's How To ALMOST Make Anything Final Project Presentation

Below you see a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) -- very little is known about their vocal behavior in the wild, and I am interested in investigating how (and how much) they use their echolocation capabilities to capture prey, as well as gathering data about other ways they may use sound for navigation and communication.

Below you see a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) -- very little is known about their vocal behavior in the wild, and I am interested in investigating how (and how much) they use their echolocation capabilities to capture prey, as well as gathering data about other ways they may use sound for naviagation and communication.

My ultimate goal is to make a small device that can be attached to a wild, free-swimming harbour porpoise (via a suction cup). It will have a hydrophone, and the audio data will be digitized and recorded at 400kHz for on the order of one hour (using Gbytes of memory). The tag will also float (and will have a VHF radio beacon attached) so it can be retrieved after recording is done. This circuit board is the first step toward engineering and building the harbour porpoise audio tag: Micro-Logger1.0.

Features of Micro-Logger 1.0:

When attached to a battery, the tag waits for its button to be pushed to initiate recording.

The LED turns on briefly, then recording begins; ADC output (from the ATtiny26L) is stored in flash memory. Another LED flash indicates that memory is full.

Then the device waits for another button push, the signal to begin offloading the data from flash memory (via wired serial port) to a separate computer. The LED flashes once more when data offload is complete.

This is some totally fabricated sample data - what I may hope to collect in the field.


Details for the interested:

Schematic of ML1.0 (This is so ugly I might just die of embarassment if you look at it...)

ML1.0 Board(Not a single 0 Ohm crossover!)

ML1.0 Assembly Code (some non-working-yet features are commented out in the code, including for example SLEEP feature...)