MIT Media Lab | The Center for Bits and Atoms | ]fall 2006[ |
[site counter][introduction] cad/cam, modeling, software
[press fit structure] laser cutter, vinyl cutter, plasma cutter/router
[printed circuit boards] pcb fabrication, board stuffing -
[cables] making molex<->serial and soic8<->parallel cables
HOW TO MAKE (almost) ANYTHING[hello world] microcontroller programming
[coffee or tea] 3d scanning and printing
[input devices] sensors, instrumentation, light, sound, temperature, position, proximity-
[flexures] waterjet cutter, CNC milling and turning
[output devices] LEDs, OLDEs, LCDs, video, speakers, motors
[pdms] molding, forming, and casting
[internet zero] communications and networking
[manu] laser micromachining, confocal microscopy
[fab lounge] final project