Packaging Status:

I have gone through 2 Rounds of solidworks models for the packaging. The first, had a
wall thickness of .75mm and after printing it on the ZCorp I came to the conclusion that
this was too thin because the printed part broke as I was cleaning it off. The second round
involved 2mm wall thickness and a clearance of .75,, between the top and bottom. I need very
good clearance to keep the top level on the load cell.

I have come to the realization that I will not be able to machine the final cover nor will I be abel
to print it on the stratasys(as its persistantly broken). I will be using the ZCorp and coating the package
in super glue to give it strength.

Final solidworks models (Click for high quality images)(.PRT files are here):



First 3D print attempt:

Second 3D print attempt: