PCB Status
Fabrication of the board was by far the most difficult parts of thie project. In order to get an altium schematic
to a usable .rml file it took alot of debugging(thanks neil) and several file conversions. The process I followed was:
- Export the Altium layout as a 500DPI Bitmap and make note of how many pixels it was
- Convert it to a JPEG with MS Paint.
- Edit the JPEG with Photoshop because either Paint or Altium made the board abotu 30x30in instead of the proper 2.7x2.7in
- Open the JPEG with cad.py. Make sure the size was correct.
- Contour with a -1 count (go for a walk it takes a while)
- Save it as an .rml file
The Altium project files and many different converted files are here.
Milling of the board was as much of a process as all of the conversions because the modella was nto happy with a
board this big. I made several attempts at different locations and Z up and down settings and could not get it to
mill a proper board. There is a picture of my attempts on two different modella's below.

In the end I was running out of time to keep experimenting on the modella so I created some gerber files in Altium and
sent out to have the boards fabbed by an outside company
Here is image of the ordered board with some initial components soldered on it.

Here is an image of the final board soldered, cut with all the components attached.