scanning digitizer arm scanned probe triangulation structured light time of flight confocal microscpe CAT printing multi-jet modeling ink-jet binder fused-deposition molding selective laser sintering RepRap, Fab@Home, HTMSTM(a)A digital fabrication file formats STL ASCII solid object_name facet normal n1 n2 n3 outer loop vertex v11 v12 v13 vertex v21 v22 v23 vertex v31 v32 v33 endloop endfacet ... endsolid object_name binary 80 byte ASCII header 32-bit integer number of facets 50 byte facet records 32-bit IEEE floats normal vertices 1,2,3 2 bytes padding right hand rule normal unit length (often optional) OBJ X3D, VRML/WRL .cad (FRep, BRep, CSG, SAT, lattice, octree) software Blender GLC_Player Geomagic assignment scan, modify, and print an object sections Tuesday 11:00: Elliott, Inna, Stephen, Andrea, Nadya Tuesday 1:00: Chris, Agnes, Daniel, Somnath Wednesday 11:00: Courtney, Haseeb, Jonathan, Ryan