name: Jonathan Ward
class: How to Make (Almost) Anything
term: fall 2008
project: hello world board, asus eee usb instructions

board fabrication

hello world board
milled using CAD/CAM
1/64" bit used to clear
1/32" bit used to cut perimeter

hello world board

serial voltage limiter
4.7v zener diode
4.99k resistor

This board makes it possible to program your board from USB. You need two USB to serial adapters, but you can also put a 9 volt battery on the power and ground of the four pin cable to power your board while you program it with the dasa cable; then, you simply switch the USB to serial to your 4 pin cable and listen to your board.

hello world board + serial voltage limiter both connected via USB using dasa cable

python /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
avrdude -p t45 -P /dev/ttyUSB1 -c dasa -U flash:w:file.hex

This is the board hooked to my Asus EEE. I had to install pyserial and pytk and avrdude, but it worked well. It does take a minute to write the program to the board, which is very slow compared to using the parallel port which is close to instant.

(USB1) to (USB to serial adapter 1) to (dasa cable) to (attiny board) to (4 pin serial cable) to (USB to serial adapter 2) to (USB0)

run the or on USB0
run the above avrdude command on USB1