You can download the Open Frameworks Milkscanner from the website:
Unzip and in the "bin" folder run "Milkscanner_mac".
There is also a Moviesandbox Dataviewer, which can be downloaded from the same link above. It currently only runs on Windowns. This allows you to view the displacement data from your milkscan as a pointcloud.
To create a STL file from your milkscan data you can use a 3D software that allows you to create 3D objects from displacement data/height-maps/grayscale images. We know that this is possible in Blender and 3D Studio.
Thanks for these instructions to Jonas Hielscher
To do this you need the displacment modifier to make a mesh based on the milkscan.
To do this do the following:
- create a plane (SPACE > ADD > MESH > PLANE)
- go to EDIT MODE (TAP)
- in the EDITING MENU (F9) press several times on subdivide (amount depends on detail you wanna have)
Now you need a texture with the grayscale Milkscan image:
- go to SHADING (F5) under Material press 'Add New'
- under Texture press again 'Add New' and select Texture Type: 'image'
- press 'load' to load your image
- give the Texture a good name you can remember, or keep 'Tex'
- go back to EDITITING MENU (F9) and press ADD MODIFIER > Displace
- under Texture: type in your texture name for example 'Tex'
- you can change the parameter to change the influence of the map
If you want to change the mesh permanently just press apply.
To get the result smoother you can try the subsurf modifier...
Dark objects can be scanned with milk
Light objects can be scanned with dark liquids
You can even scan people in a pool full of siluted ink
Video of scanning robot and viewing data in Moviesandbox