week 5: (cyber)board

For this week we had to modify the original design of the hello board to add a LED and a button.

The original board


For this assignment we learned Eagle to design the changes to the original board


These should be connected

Changes in the Design
I added the LED and the button, but when I tried to program it I got a strange error. As it turns out, I had accidentally erased a wire in Eagle, eliminating the power connection from the ISP header to the board.


Marked in red is where the wire was deleted by mistake


The board after surgery

Fortunately I got some help finding and repairing the error (thanks Natalie!) and the board got to work perfectly, but with a strange cyberpunk, Frankenstein bride look.



Future board with proper connections

I programmed it using what we built on David Carr's session and made some changes to the rhythm and use of the button.

I corrected the error in Eagle and cut another board to build a new hello board, but I am still in the process of stuffing it.

Push the Button Program


Rhythm program


Make program (press button and blink)