AVR Programmer...   Building...

Milling the PCB in Action!
Taking the reference design from the class page (directions are at the bottom), and the wisdom of my classmates, the routing of the board was straight forward, with a slight adjustment of cutter depth.   I washed the board with a scrubber pad I found near the sink.   The board seemed a little rough-- it seemed like the cutter tore the copper more than cut it.

In stuffing, there were some shorts on the USB and programming connectors.   A meter looking for +5V on the 1uF capacitor showed the board wasn't getting power.   The USB connector cleaned up with some careful solder wicking.

In programming under Linux/Ubuntu I followed the directions.    The software seemed to allow setting of the fuses on the first run, and then complained that it couldn't talk to the target.    After checking for bridges, resoldering stuff, I built up the second board, and had the same problem.

Finally, I pulled off the pin header to double check for bridges.   No solder bridges were visible (either looking while looking under the connector, or once it was pulled.   I took a knife, and carved between the pads to remove any little strips of copper that may have been left.    When I resoldered the connector, it worked.  
The results -- both good and bad!

Little bits of wisdom gathered....

Other minor discoveries/projects...