____                          ___       ____                                   __     

/\  _`\   __                  /\_ \     /\  _`\               __               /\ \__  

\ \ \L\_\/\_\    ___      __  \//\ \    \ \ \L\ \_ __   ___  /\_\     __    ___\ \ ,_\ 

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  \ \ \/  \ \ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_ \_\ \_   \ \ \/\ \ \//\ \L\ \\ \ \/\  __//\ \__/\ \ \_

   \ \_\   \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\/\____\   \ \_\ \ \_\\ \____/_\ \ \ \____\ \____\\ \__\

    \/_/    \/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/____/    \/_/  \/_/ \/___//\ \_\ \/____/\/____/ \/__/

                                                             \ \____/                  



need to do:

-1) panic - DONE

0) complete assembly of static machine parts - DONE

  1. 1)mount motor and Y stage - DONE

  2. 2)mount motor on X turning pulley stage - DONE

  3. 3)decide on motor control and develop it (electronics + sw) - IN PROGRESS

  4. 4)automate software to capture and panoramic silhouette

  5. 5)generate a path from panoramic silhouette

  6. 6)debug motor control

  7. 7)finalize demo

Motivation and Collaboration

by Yoav Reches - Poly Panorama 

Yoav Reches is an artist and designer that has done an interesting artwork and experimentation on physical silhouettes and a vanishing point - better explained in his own words:

Poly Panorama By Yoav Reches


Panoramic Silhouette Generation with Depth Camera

nestk - Kinect Framework

by Nicolas Burrus

Generic and Powerful framework that includes integration to OpenCV and OpenNI with many other capabilities not used in this project such as 3D reconstruction and scanning.



Cylinder Plotter <=> Lampshade Machine

Initial Stage - Frame - Weekend Waterjet

  1. 1)Next Stage after final project ... sleep