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Using Kinect to separate foreground and background for a specific depth ration. extracting a depth picture in black and white.

I built on the same code  base (nestk) that was presented in the scan TA session by David Lakatos

The problem: depth image can segment the silhouette of a specific depth amazingly - but it produces a featureless image that cannot be stitched to panorama.

The Trick (Solution): produce double images for each frame a color one and a depth b/w one. Use the color one to calculate all the transformations to align and stitch a panorama => than apply the transformations on the black and white images to stitch depth.

Depth Panorama

Final Project => Yoav Reches’s Poly Panorama 

Motivation and Collaboration

Yoav Reches is an artist and designer that has done an interesting artwork and experimentation on physical silhouettes and a vanishing point - better explained in his own words:

Poly Panorama By Yoav Reches


Automatic Silhouette with Depth Panorama

Using Kinect to separate foreground and background for a specific depth ration. extracting a depth picture in black and white.

The problem: depth image can segment the silhouette of a specific depth amazingly - but it produces a featureless image that cannot be stitched to panorama.

The Trick (Solution): produce double images for each frame a color one and a depth b/w one. Use the color one to calculate all the transformations to align and stitch a panorama => than apply the transformations on the black and white images to stitch depth.

Automatic Silhouette with Depth Panorama

My goal to make a controllable turn table for Kinect was not successful.

=> First i started redesigning a motor control board to work with a bipolar high turk stepper motor using 2 h-Bridge chips.

==> Was able to program the board but was not able to turn the motor.

==> debugging took all available time and yet no success.

Automatic >???<  ... well not so much ...