
For this project I took on basic dc motors and H-bridges.

Inspiration | Revolver

I was inspired by one of my favorite early mechanical interactive art pieces: Revolver by Robert Rauschenberg

Step 1 | Designing the board and enclosure

I decided to begin make an earring version of Rauschenberg's piece using a basic dc stepper motor and clear acrylic. I designed the board in eagle and then designed a basic press fit structure to hold it, the motor and the battery.

Step 2 | Cutting and Weeding the copper

I had a lot of issues with weeding the copper on acrylic. The vinyl cutter was hating life this week and cutting very unevenly and the non-porous surface of the acrylic made it hard to weed overall. After about 2 hours I had something relatively functional.

Step 3 | Soldering and Assembling

I soldered onto the acrylic, which wasn't so bad if you go fast, and ran wires through the back to connect the motor and power source. I then attached the board to power via a basic wall wart and programmed it with the fabISP. After some initial debugging and connecting broken traces, it worked. I think I will have to replace the top sheet of vinyl with a lighter sheet or work out a gear system, because while the motor turns when the button is pushed, it isn't very strong and the batteries run down very quickly. I also need to add designs to the clear acrylic to mimic Raucshenberg's original. I'm happy with the basic proof of concept and plan to continue testing out circuits on acrylic however.

jacobsj (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu