Week Eleven: Interfaces
This week was interface week, where we were to program an interface to visualize a sensor output. I decided to make an oscilloscope app in Processing just to learn a bit about Processing, and because I figured it'd be a useful thing to have to be able to see ADC outputs over time. I'm also hijacking this oscilloscope for my final project, to visually display the voltage that the reference potentiometer would be set to.
My scope has two channels, one which displays the potentiometer voltage and one which displays the voltage that my buck converter is outputting. I also put up a current display, which is just the voltage divided by 5 ohms, since I'm expecting to just see a voltage drop over that. It's currently just sending values from the ADC over serial, and I'm doing a tiny bit of math to convert it to the levels I'm expecting. It's pretty slow right now, but I think that's fine because I'm not really expecting a fast response.
I mostly think this'll be useful to visualize the actual voltage vs. user-set voltage for my hot wire cutter.