what will it do?
BIO-GLASSES: integrate EEG, pulse (photo-plethysmography of blood volume) and an accelerometer into 3D printed glasses with BlueTooth communication and a re-chargable battery
who's done what beforehand?
Cornell / Chipstein's EEG (adapted by Charles and myself into FabECG): https://sites.google.com/site/chipstein/home-page/eeg-with-an-arduino, http://people.ece.cornell.edu/land/courses/ece4760/FinalProjects/s2012/cwm55/cwm55_mj294/index.html
Easy Pulse: http://embedded-lab.com/blog/?p=5508
Great bio-sensing work: http://produceconsumerobot.com/thinkingcap/
Sparkfun accelerometer: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11028
Sparkfun: lithium ion battery re-charging circuit
Sparkfun: FTDI Bluetooth chip
Ourselves: FabSampler and FabSampler Bluetooth
Ourselves: preliminary glasses frame designs
what materials and components will be required?
Several op amps / instrumentation amplifiers
Sparkfun accelerometer, bluetooth chip and lithium ion charger
TCRT1000 IR reflectance sensor
where will they come from?
We mostly have these already
how much will it cost?
Final cost breakdown to follow when we fully open-source this. Less than $100 of new components.
what parts and systems will be made?
what processes will be used?
modella, 3d printer, embedded programming, bluetooth networking
what tasks need to be completed?
Adam (pre-Thursday-night): make FabPulse, improve FabEEG, integrate these with FabSampler
FabPulse (detects pulse but is un-reliable and gain stage not working yet):
Charles (pre-Thursday-night): make master sampler board, integrate with accelerometer chip, FabSampler output and Bluetooth
Both (post-Thursday-night): make frames and wiring, iterate over board connection schemes and form factors, software visualization prototype, testing
what questions need to be answered?
Are we seeing real EEG?
What is the proper placement for the pulse sensor for reliability?
How much of a battery do we have room for?
How much processing should be off-loaded to a PC or smartphone via bluetooth?
what is the schedule?
Ordering a few last things like the charging circuit.
Aiming for ugly but integrated prototype Thursday night.
Iterate after that.
how will it be evaluated?
A couple of versions out from the end of the class, is this easily usable and useful? Does someone to wear it?
Does this change the way people think about DIY bio-sensing and sensor integration?
with Noah and Charles
double-click to play movies
Motor shield output pattern: