import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class float xmag, ymag = 0; float newXmag, newYmag = 0; int baseX, baseY = 0; float rotX,rotY = 0.; float oldrotX,oldrotY =0.; float amp = 1.; float zoom = 90.; float x,y=0.; int nx=100; float dx = 3*PI/n; float dy = 2*PI/n; void setup() { size(1920, 1080, P3D); String portName = Serial.list()[0]; println(portName); myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); myPort.clear(); noStroke(); colorMode(RGB, 1.); } //pulse function [0,1]->[0,1] float pulse(float in, float mid, float width_top, float width_bottom){ if (abs(mid-in)< .5*width_top){ return 1.0; } else if( abs(mid-in)<.5*width_bottom ){ if (in>mid){ return 1.-2*(in-(mid+.5*width_top))/(width_bottom-width_top); } else{ return 1.-2*((mid-.5*width_top)-in)/(width_bottom-width_top); } } else{ return 0.; } } //use pulse train in RGB to create temperature map void temp_map(float x, float xmin, float xmax){ if (xmin > xmax){ float xtemp = xmin; xmin=xmax; xmax=xtemp; } if (xxmax){ x=1; } else{ x = (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin); fill(pulse(x,.25,.3,.75),pulse(x,.5,.3,.75),pulse(x,.75,.3,.75)); } } //test function float f(float x, float y){ return amp*sin(x*y); } //helper function void make_colored_vertex(float x,float y){ temp_map(f(x,y),-1.,1.); vertex(x,y,f(x,y)); } float eps = 0.75; // filter fraction float filt = 0.0; // filtered value float take_reading(){ int b1,b2=0,b3=0,b4=0; int ul,uh,dl,dh=0; int uv,dv,value=0; myPort.clear(); do { while(myPort.available() == 0); b1=b2; b2=b3; b3=b4; b4 =; if(b1==1 && b2==2 && b3==3 && b4==4){ print("found framing\n"); break; } } while (true); while(myPort.available()==0);; while(myPort.available()==0);; while(myPort.available()==0);; while(myPort.available()==0);; uv=256*uh+ul; dv=256*dh+dl; value = uv-dv; filt = (1-eps)*filt + eps*value; //digital filtering filt = 1.5e-4*filt -.5; print(str(ul)+", "+str(uh)+", "+str(dl)+", "+str(dh)+"\n"); print("filtered value = "+str(filt)+"\n"); return filt; } //main loop void draw() { background(.98,.94,.98); translate(width/2, height/2, -30); pushMatrix(); scale(zoom); beginShape(QUADS); rotateX(rotY); rotateY(-rotX); amp = take_reading(); for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i = i+1){ for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j = j+1){ x = dx*(i-.5*n); y = dy*(j-.5*n); make_colored_vertex(x,y); make_colored_vertex(x+dx,y); make_colored_vertex(x+dx,y+dy); make_colored_vertex(x,y+dy); } } endShape(); popMatrix(); } void mousePressed(){ baseX = mouseX; baseY = mouseY; //don't forget where we were. oldrotX = rotX; oldrotY = rotY; } void mouseDragged(){ if (keyCode==SHIFT){ zoom += 3*(mouseY-baseY)/float(height); } else{ //trackball stuff newXmag = (mouseX-baseX)/float(width) * TWO_PI; newYmag = (mouseY-baseY)/float(height) * TWO_PI; float diff = xmag-newXmag; if (abs(diff) > 0.01) { xmag -= diff/4.0; } diff = ymag-newYmag; if (abs(diff) > 0.01) { ymag -= diff/4.0; } rotY = oldrotY-ymag; //this is not quite right yet -- fix it. rotX = oldrotX-xmag; } } //this is dirty, but get out of zooming mode when release shift. void keyReleased(){ if(keyCode == SHIFT){ keyCode = TAB; } } //interactive amplitude void keyPressed(){ if (key == 'a'){ amp += .05; } else if (key == 'z'){ amp -= .05; } }