For this week assignment: add an output device to a microcontroller board and program it to do something I decide to make the example of the DC motor and the LED array with the Charlieplexing principle.
DC MOTOR: I will start milling and stuffing the DC motor board to make the circuit before programming it:
DC motor board parts before stuffing
DC motor board components
I connect the external battery and the AVR programmer to the board to proceed with the program loading into the board:
LED ARRAY: Time for milling and stuffing the LED array board to make the circuit before programming it... this board has a lot of components!
LED array board parts before stuffing
(20 green LED's)
LED array board (20 green LED's)
I connect the external battery and the AVR programmer to the board to proceed with the program loading into the board:
At the beginning I have some problems when programming the board. The computer seems that is having problems finding the AVR programmer:
Ignacio Peydro, November 2012.