Something I was sure about before starting the design was that I wanted to make something that would be useful for me. As I have recently moved to Cambridge from Spain (leaving almost all my belongings back at home) and the apartment I am living was unfurnished, I decided that some kind of furniture would be a good decision. Once this decision was made, the next step was to decide what particular piece of furniture I would make. The dimensional restrictions of the laser cutter made it easy to choose a stool as the typology to develop. My intention is to make a design that will be easily assembled (do it yourself furniture) made out of cardboard. The design is very simple and lets us use the piece as a stool when the curvature is looking upwards or as a side table when it is rotated 180º letting a flat plane on the top of the furniture piece.


The stool is made out of 14 cardboard pieces that assemble between each other. The assembly is made in an orthogonal grid of 7 x 7 cardboard pieces.


The first collection of pieces is formed by 7 identical pieces that are curved to make the stool comfortable. This 7 pieces have 7 openings/slots (4 mm wide) to let the other 7 pieces enter. Each of the slots has an engraving to show which peace has to fit in.

The other set of pieces will enter perpendicularly to the other set of slots. The height of the pieces will slightly change in order to adapt to the curvature of the first collection. They would also have an engraving with the number so we can easily recognize its position.

In this image we can see the PFS/ST finished in its PFS position:




And here in its PFST position:


Front view:



Top view:

And some images of the fabrication process:


to see a video of the laser cutting just click