Week 1 |  Final Project Plan



Wall-E my favorite movie

Boxie the Story Gathering Robot

Instructable on how to build an autonomous Wall-Ehttp://www.instructables.com/id/Build-an-autonomous-Wall-E-Robot/http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-an-autonomous-Wall-E-Robot/shapeimage_2_link_0

Wall-E made out of paper



Sometime ago when I was really excited about the power of crowdsourcing, I thought up of this trashBot that would learn "trash recognition" features by exploring its world and asking the crowd from www.TrashorNot.com 
(note to self I need to by this domain name..)


The demo scenario I have in mind is a small robot pin with items inside that are trash and not trash.  The robot's goal is to go around and find the objects on the floor.  Once it has found an object it will send an image of it up to the cloud for an answer.  Also it can take a voice command if someone I around to help.


Wall-E look.  Main body used as garage collection.  Treads for wheels. Door with incline so arms can scoop in trash.  Kinect inside the head of the robot.


- object on floor recognition

- send to cloud image of object for yes/no response

- speech rec for alternative yes/no voice command

- easy spiral navigation + obstacle collision detection


2 floor wheels

1 for arms (both doing same scooping motion)

1 for door open and close

3 for head (see diagram to right)


- Kinect or Xtion

- microphone

- bump sensor

- sonar/distance sensor