3 | electronics production
The modella is used to mill FR1, a paper based copper plate. The process is explained in detail here. Source Files: |
I had issues from the start with milling because there was lefover tape on the modela surface. You can see that this resulting in the board bowing up in the center. At this small of a scale this is enough to cause major problems with the mill paths. |
Finallly got a good one! | ||
Soldering was not so bad since I have done it many times in the past. The major difficulty was that the components were surface mount style which means very small. The pins on the USB connector surface were very tiny. MicrocontrollerCrystal USB connector ribbon connector Zener diode jumper
To make a FabISB, you need to program it the first time with another FabISP or equivalent. Connect the new FabISP to the old FabISP and the both into the computer. The new FabISP is just using the computer for power. Install: In the terminal: USB power Then the microcontroller can be programmed from a computer. |