3D Scanning
Scanning the creamer. | |
Lasers. Very futuristic. | |
Sad results. Culprits: 1. Image was blury, too far on macro setting. |
Paint marker. Dries matte, allegedly washable.
Cardboard structure to prevent extra light. | |
Yay! | |
Holes in top surface, since the scanner can't see this region. I was not able to fill them within software. Exported stl missing half of this geometry so was unable to work further in rhino. |
3D Printing
First Idea To print a 3d tree generated with Rabbit in Grasshopper. Rejected because branches would be too thin at this scale. (2"x 2") |
Second Idea: Ring! |
Key lesson, in Rhino, join all surfaces first, THEN mesh. If you mesh the faces first then when you try to join them you end up with a very unstable surface with too many naked edges to repair. | |
Wanted the ring face to have a tiger, so I used a grasshopper script to generate one from a picture. Key lessons. Reduce the size of your image be 90%. You need very few pixels to make this work and the image sampler component crashes grasshopper very easily. |
Face and ring meshes merged very easily. Suspicious. |
Realized that the face geometry is probably too fine and reduced the number of pixels again. | |
Ring shape came out okay but face is not visible on the face. |
At this scale a much more simple detail is nessesary. Will repurpose tiger for something larger. |