This week I decided it was time to start getting concentrated into the development of my final project.


Quick reminder:



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week1:20130910_201127.jpg


 The system has three output devices: one dc motor to move through the track and two servos for the moving head to point the beam of the projector in any direction.




I first built Neil«s H bridge board. The trickiest part was to remember the bottom ground pin of the h bridge.


The board was working, but had some issues that I was not able to completely understand:


-       When I disconnected the ISP, the board stopped working.

-       When the motor is running in the air (no rolling resistance), the h bridge works perfectly. When the motor tries to move the car though, the h bridge still receives signals from the microcontroller but something weird happens. The input voltage of the board is 9 volts, and this is what the h bridge gets. But the output of the h bridge is only 1.5volts, so the car is unable to move.


I build a second board in case there were some issues with the traces, but I had exactly the same issues.


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:20131114_194912-1.jpg





Time to program the servos. I fabricated Neil«s servo board. It works perfectly with Neil«s code, but it does not work with my arduino code. My guess is that the attiny 44 does not support the servo.h library of arduino.


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:20131117_115537.jpg


Also, I found this article very useful to understand why it is so difficult to find pure servos (not continuous servos) that have more than 180¼ of angle control.






Taking into account I will need a board that controls my system, I decided to build the first version of the hasiduino: arduino + h bridge + two servo 3 pins connectors + I/O pins.


The process was very intense, but very exciting too. I felt self fulfilled at the end.


Sunday night: board strategy schematic. I decided to follow the component locations of the fabduino, and fit all the extra features in the lower part.



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Downloads:20131117_235315.jpg


Monday: draw in Eagle


This process demands a lot of concentration. The weird angled wires in the schematic are afterthoughts (when I realized I was forgetting some connections).






Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:Captura de pantalla 2013-11-19 a la(s) 23.08.25.png




Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:Captura de pantalla 2013-11-19 a la(s) 23.08.40.png


Tuesday: solder components and test


First, I saved the png at 400 dpi and the traces of the atmega 328 were too small (left picture). Then I saved the files at 2400 dpi and it worked much better (right picture).



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:1.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:2.jpg


Another evening in the electronics room andÉ



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:3.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week11:4.jpg


I burnt the bootloader and the hasiduino works, BUT:


-       I«m still having the issue with the h bridge. It switches, but somehow only 1.5 volts get to the car

-       The servos are powered correctly but are not responding to the program.


Homeworks for this week I guessÉ