The objective was pretty straightforward: redraw and fabricate the echo hello-world board.


I used eagle to draw the circuit and the PCB.


My cheat sheet:


1-    Install program and download component library

2-    Open project + open schematic

3-    Add parts + add traces (double click at end points)

4-    Generate/switch to board

5-    Route

6-    Visibility (choose what we wanna see)

7-    Resize board perimeter (click and drag the white contour lines)

8-    Tools/ERC = look for errors

9-    File/export Image, monochrome, DPI=400

10-Export contour of the board to cut (modify the exterior lines in a program like paint or gimp in order to make them thick enough)


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:1.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:2.jpg


I first tried to be innovative. After trying hard, I really did not like the result. It was big and I had to use a couple of 0 ohm resistors. ** I like using the auto trace just to see how bad is the initial layout (then, I undo).


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:3.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:4.jpg


I realized that you have to be very patient, and thats not my biggest virtue, so I followed the class board trace strategy, while adding the needed extra components.


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:5.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:6.png


Time to fabricate:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:7.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:8.jpg


And time to solder components.


I found these schematic online that was useful to locate my switch, as I did not know how to orient it.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:11.png

I had an issue due to the use of brute force. The trace was accidentally ripped off from the component.


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:9.jpg


I was not in the mood of fabricating a new board, so I decided to build a literal bridge between components.


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:10.jpg


Electronic justice punished me when I realized that I was soldering the wrong component. I tried very hard to take it out, but I had been so generous with my connections that I was not able to take it out. As desperation was taking over, I decided to make a super useful dual connection,


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:12.jpg


It that argument does not convince you, I have another more powerful argument: my circuit can stand on its feet


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:hasierlarrea:Documents:MAS_FALL:HTMAA:Week6:13.jpg