3D Scanning and Printing

3D Scanning

I used 123D Catch for this scanning assignment. Unfortunately, the scanner wasn't able to pick up the surface well, despite trying different backgrounds (felt, chipboard, and my black coat). I hand-stiched some photos, but the result is still less than satisfactory.

I like this screenshot a lot, the mug looks very self-satisfied while his paparazzi snap pictures of him.

3D Printing

I have always thought that the ABS printer looked a bit like cheese. Therefore I wanted to 3d print something that actually looks real. Namely, a block of swiss cheese. The model was made with several boolean operations, where a sphere was subtracted from the volume. The volume cannot be made subtractively because there are holes going through the cheese.


The ABS extrude seemed to have some problems, and the piece actually broke off into two pieces.

Here is shot showing parts that didn't print well. Also some parts of the cheese are so thin that it is transluscent.

3D printing Part 2

I sent off to the printer a two part print, an egg that is nested inside another egg, inspired by swiss cheese (the holes offer porosity and visibility into the inside) as well as Indian Elephant carvings. The irony is that these are made subtractively with hand, although 3D printing would make it a lot easier.

Here is the 3D printed piece. The resolution is not that great.

I guess while this CAN be made subtractively, it is still neat to nest something inside another.