//How to Make (almost) Anything 2013 //Jeff Duval - jfduval@mit.edu //10/28/2013 //================================== //Capacitive button turns the lamp ON/OFF //Potentiometer changes the brightness #include #include #include uint8 ReadButton0(void) { uint8 cap_value = 0; /* Update all baselines */ CapSense_UpdateEnabledBaselines(); /* Start scanning all enabled sensors */ CapSense_ScanEnabledWidgets(); /* Wait for scanning to complete */ while(CapSense_IsBusy()); cap_value = CapSense_CheckIsSensorActive(CapSense_BUTTON0__BTN); return(cap_value); } #define MAX_CNT 2047 #define MIN_CNT 0 #define MAX_PWM 1842 //90% #define MIN_PWM 21 //1% //Gamma compensation uint16 adc_to_pwm(uint16 adc) { double adc_float = 0.0, buf = 0.0; uint16 out_pwm = 0; //Make sure ADC's in the range if(adc <= MIN_CNT) adc = 0; if(adc >= MAX_CNT) adc = MAX_CNT; //Convert to float, 0-1 adc_float = (double)adc/2047.0; //Gamma decoding: buf = 2047*(pow(adc_float,2.5)); //Back to uint16 out_pwm = (uint16) buf; //PWM clipping: if(out_pwm <= MIN_PWM) out_pwm = MIN_PWM; if(out_pwm >= MAX_PWM) out_pwm = MAX_PWM; //Return value return (out_pwm); } void main() { uint8 cnt = 0, button = 0; int16 adc_data = 0; uint16 pwmdc = 0; /* Enable Global Interrupts */ CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Start the Clock and PWM components. Clock can be started automatically after reset by enabling “Start on Reset” in the Clocks tab of Blinking LED.cydwr. We are doing this manually for instructive purpose. */ CapSense_Start(); /* Initialize CapSense baselines by scanning enabled sensors */ CapSense_InitializeAllBaselines(); //Manual output setup: CY_SYS_PINS_SET_DRIVE_MODE(CYREG_PRT1_PC,0,CY_SYS_PINS_DM_STRONG); //LED1 CY_SYS_PINS_SET_DRIVE_MODE(CYREG_PRT1_PC,1,CY_SYS_PINS_DM_STRONG); //LED2 CY_SYS_PINS_SET_DRIVE_MODE(CYREG_PRT1_PC,2,CY_SYS_PINS_DM_STRONG); //LED3 //Start ADC ADC_SAR_Seq_1_Start(); ADC_SAR_Seq_1_StartConvert(); //Start PWM PWM_1_WriteCompare(0); //Initially off PWM_1_Start(); for(;;) { //Read pot value (12 bits) adc_data = ADC_SAR_Seq_1_GetResult16(0); if(adc_data < 0) adc_data = 0; //Format for PWM: pwmdc = (uint16)adc_data; if(pwmdc > 2047) pwmdc = 2047; else if(pwmdc < 0) pwmdc = 0; //Read CapSense button button = ReadButton0(); if(button) { while(ReadButton0()); cnt++; CyDelay(50); } //2 possible states if(cnt > 1) cnt = 0; *(reg32 *) CYREG_PRT1_DR = cnt; //State machine switch(cnt) { case 0: PWM_1_WriteCompare(0); //Light off break; case 1: PWM_1_WriteCompare(adc_to_pwm(pwmdc)); //PWM controls light break; case 2: case 3: //Unused for now. Does not change value break; default: PWM_1_WriteCompare(0); //Light off } } } /* [] END OF FILE */