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Week 6: Molding and Casting:

Reinventing the Wheel


This week we are tasked with designing a 3d mold, machining it and casting parts from it. I've never done any of these things before so it should be a great learning experience.

What to Make?

Some ideas for this week are

Casting with Instamold:

My best friend loves chocolate labs, alas she cannot have one so the next best thing is an edible chocolate chocolate lab! I sculpted a substandard mini puppy in sculpey clay, whipped up a batch of instamold to mold the puppy, tempered a chocolate mix, poured it into the mold and extracted my chocolate squared lab. The first prototype is hideous and the original puppy's eyes and ears fell off when I was washing him and his tail got eaten by my real puppies so we'll have to go back to the drawing board with this one. I think broken heart chocolates would also be very fun too! The best way to mend a broken heart is with an empathic broken hearted chocolate!! I also created a broken heart sculpture in sculpey clay, baked it and threw it in instamold. It did not turn out. Will have to revisit this as well. I got a box of Instamold from the shop and decided to try it for items that would be harder to model in Solidworks. I read the instructions and watched a tutorial online located here: seemed easy enough!

Here are the steps:

gather all of your materials:


You will need: