Week12: Communication.

I want to make a wireless link to use in my final project. It will be a foot switch for the spinning machine. Rather than set speed, its function will be to turn on and off the motor. For that function, only one bit is needed! It would be useful, however, to have the switch control the acceleration: pushing hard will speed up/slowdown quickly while a gentle push will produce less acceleration. This might require a two-bit link. It could have four values of acceleration (positive and negative depending on the state of the system) corresponding to a receipt of 0,1,2,or 3. This is a little more than two bits. maybe $0.30. I would like to use sound.

1. Making board.

I made a breakout board for the Tiny44, so that I could have a flexible platform on which to develop and play with software/hardware.

The board, the schematic are here. It has:

In the end, I'm not sure that this is a time saver. It turns out to be pretty easy to hack my existing boards for re-purposing rather than have a general-purpose board.

2. Now that I have an externally powered board with a FET, I work on driving a speaker at 25kHz.

3. Microphone signal and microphone circuit.

4. Receiving:

5. Where I ended this week: I now have a board that makes a signal and a second board on which the signal can be detected. This is almost communication.

What I need to do next: