Anders Häggman

MAS.863 Portfolio

WEEK 0 // Project Proposal

My final project proposal is to create a motorized slowly turning camera base, as well as a motorized track. The project can easily be split into either one of the two sub-projects.

The main design requirement is to make parts that are robust, and durable parts that will last. As the base and track will be used for time-lapse photography, the movement needs to be steady and smooth. Size and weight of the devices is also a concern.

  • Requirements 
  • Maximum weight   5 kg
  • Battery life   7 h
  • Load bearing capacity   2.5 kg

Sketch of Final Project Proposal
I made short video of myself sketching, and what I am hoping to do with the device. I made the video mostly as an opportunity to brush up on my Final Cut Pro skills.