I have several years experience with different CAD software such as Pro/E, Catia, and I-DEAS, although I have not spent significant amounts of time using CAD in the last few years. My all-time favourite CAD program is Pro/E. The last time I used it extensively was when Wildfire 3.0 was the newest version , sometime back in 2007 (before it was rebranded Creo). Although I am not as comfortable with SolidWorks yet, I felt it did not hinder me significantly as the shapes and geometry I created were simple.
I have previously printed parts with the MakerBot Replicator 2, UP! Mini, Stratasys Objet30, and once with the Stratasys Dimension. Based on my previous experience, it was clear to me that there would potentially be problems with clearing out the support material from my part, but I decided to push the limits a bit, and see how it would turn out.
As I had worked with a Dimension once before, I had a general sense for what it was capable of, and what the output quality would be. I also had a cursory look at the material datasheet for the material being printed, and asked Charles Guan for advice on tolerances. However, given more time I would have created a couple of smaller test parts, to test different clearance gaps to find the optimal clearance.