Week 1: Final project idea

I plan to construct a 'Worm Carousel' - an automated imaging system for C.elegans experiments that will allow for imaging up to 10 35mm plates with worms every 10 minutes. The system will be driven by a stepper motor with a circular tray mounted on the shaft with 8-10 wells for 35mm plates. Images will be obtained by a stationary camera above the plates and illuminating surface (an array of LEDs with a diffuser) will be located underneath the plates (and the camera).

Week 1: Version control
I installed Mercurial on MacOS. To see if i have an ssh folder:

sudo ls ~/.ssh

If it says that the directory does not exist, create one:

sudo mkdir ~/.ssh

and then another one where the keys will be kept:

sudo mkdir ~/.ssh/keys

go to Desktop:

cd ~/Desktop

and then copy the relevant keys and commands (two files that i received form Neil: classes and classes.pub):

sudo mv classes ~/.ssh/keys
sudo mv classes.pub ~/.ssh/keys

setting permissions:

sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/keys/classes
sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/keys/classes.pub

return to desktop:

cd ~/Desktop

and make Neil’s script executable:

sudo chmod +x ~/.ssh/keys/hgclone

and then activate Neil’s script:

sudo ./hgclone 863.14 classes fab.cba.mit.edu 846 "Full Name" email@email.com