Embedded programming
I found this tutorial exteremely helpful in understanding the basics of C-based embedded programming. The ATtiny44 microcontroller has port A with 8 pins (PA0-PA7) configurable as outputs or inputs. You can control those pins by setting three pre-defined (8-bit long; each bit corresponds to a particular pin) variables (see pages 66-67 of the data sheet). Now, the way to set these different variables in C we can't just write


(or DDRA=2 for that matter) because C by default assumes that the numbers are provided in decimal form. To provide a variable in binary (or hex) - prefix it with 0b (0x):

DDRA=0b00000010 (DDRA=0x00000010).

To change one bit in an 8-bit register REG (it could be DDRA, PORTA or PINA) that already has other values stored on other pins/bits you can use an OR bitwise operation. Say you want to change bit 5 to high value:


or as a shorthand you can write:


In practice the C libraries for a specific device actually have names of specific pins. A human readible way of setting pin 5 of PORTA to 1 would be:


In here PA5 is defined as having a value 0b00100000. << is a left-shift operator and it moves the LHS by the number of points on RHS. In this case 00000001 was simply shifted by 6 positions to 00100000. Or we can simply set it as:


To clear a register we use a different set of operators:


The code activates an LED connected to PA2 pin when the button (on pin PA7) is depressed. To upload it I first needed to make sure that the ISP cable was in the correct orientation between FabISP and the PCB:

Then I used a modified make file and used the following command to set the fuses:

make -f embprog.c.make program-usbtiny-fuses

which produced the following output:

and then I uploaded the short c programme:

make -f embprog.c.make program-usbtiny

which resulted in:

The entire process was succesful: