// hello.H-bridge.44.DCmod.c
// Christian, modified from Neil Gershenfeld
// 11/18/12

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define on_delay() _delay_us(10) // PWM on time - making argument variable takes 100% of memory
#define off_delay1() _delay_us(1) // fast
#define off_delay2() _delay_us(2) // medium
#define off_delay3() _delay_us(3) // slow
#define PWM_count 10000 // number of PWM cycles

// main

int main(void)

// program during the solar-day - starts with power up!

// declarations
   static uint16_t count;        // unsigned 16 bit
   uint8_t full,empty;            // upper main tank full, empty
   uint16_t HOHunit;            // H2O units (in %) pumped
// set clock divider to /1
   CLKPR = (1 << CLKPCE);
   CLKPR = (0 << CLKPS3) | (0 << CLKPS2) | (0 << CLKPS1) | (0 << CLKPS0);

// initialize H-bridge pins
// SET attyne44 ports as outputs
    DDRA |= _BV(0); //PA0 = output for supply power (e.g. 5V)
    DDRA |= _BV(1); //PA1 = output for supply power (e.g. 24V) 
    DDRA |= _BV(2); //PA2 = output (in for 4953)
    DDRA |= _BV(3); //PA3 = output (in for 4953)
// CLEAR attyne44 ports using AND and invert
    PORTA &= ~(_BV(0));
    PORTA &= ~(_BV(1));    
    PORTA &= ~(_BV(2));  
    PORTA &= ~(_BV(3));      
// SET dc-driver direction (see 4953 documentation)
// forward: IN1(4953)=0, IN2(4953)=1; reverse: IN1(4953)=1, IN2(4953)=0
    PORTA |= _BV(2);    //Set PA2(=IN2/4953) HI ("forward") 

// initialize

// clear PB0,PB1 as inputs
    DDRB &= ~(1<<PB0); //upper tank "full" indicator (e.g. HI > 90%)
    DDRB &= ~(1<<PB1); //Upper tank "low""indicator (e.g. LOW < 10%) 
// clear H2O pumped unit counter
    HOHunit = 0;

   while (1)
    // do this loop until the day ends (or a break ivent occors)
    // CLEAR power outputs
      PORTA &= ~(_BV(0));
      PORTA &= ~(_BV(1)); 
    // Get upper tank info, PB0=HI: tank is full (full=1); PB1=0: tank is empty (empty = 1) 
        if(PINB & (1 << PB0)){
            full = 1;
            empty = 0;}
        else {
            full = 0;
            if(PINB & (1 << PB1)){
                empty = 0;}
            else {
                empty = 1;}         
    // test
    full = 0;
    empty = 1;
    // Fill the tank, supply power
        if (full == 1) 
            // high tank is full, stop pump and supply max PV-energy            
            PORTA &= ~(_BV(2));    // CLEAR PA2(=IN2/4953) Low - STOP, dont forget to set to high Impedance Z!! 
            PORTA |= _BV(0);        // SET PA0 HI for PowerSupply 1 ON (5V)
            PORTA |= _BV(1);        // SET PA1 HI for PowerSupply 2 ON (24V)
            // fill tank until full, use different speeds via PWM (=power requirements) for different stages
            for (count = 0; count < PWM_count; ++count)
                PORTA |= _BV(2);        // Set PA2(=IN2/4953) HI
                PORTA &= ~(_BV(2));    // CLEAR PA2(=IN2/4953) Low  
                if (HOHunit < 50)
                    off_delay1();        // fast fill
                      if (HOHunit < 75)
                        off_delay2();         // medium fill
                        PORTA |= _BV(0);    // + power: SET PA0 HI for PowerSupply 1 ON (5V)
                        off_delay3();        // slow fill +
                        PORTA |= _BV(0);    // power: SET PA0 HI for PowerSupply 1 ON (5V)
                        PORTA |= _BV(1);    // power: SET PA1 HI for PowerSupply 2 ON (24V)
            } // for count
            ++HOHunit; // don't for get to weigt with set pump-power!! 
        } // if full else   
    } //while 1
} //main