Programming the board, although straightforward from the software side using avrdude, was a quite painfully process
on the hardware side. I programmed my board using the fabISP but the only way I could connect the fabISP to my board was
removing the screen and mapping all the pins of the fabISP to my board. This made it really difficult to make changes
since I had to reconnect everything everytime.
I programmed my board to use the screen and let me know how many buttons were pressed. Having the screen made it
really easy to debug problems since I could print out directly logging information without requiring a serial communication
to the computer. After, I finished programming test programs that let me test that all the hardware works properly, I wanted
to create a small game. I was thinking of creating something like the game 2048 since it doesn't require a lot of
memory to hold the state and it is just printing numbers on the screen.
Unfortunately, in the process of continuously removing the screen to program it and test it, I must have fried my attiny.
The reason for that was that the lcd display requires 3.3V inputs so whenever I was testing it I was using a 3.3v power source,
but whenever I was programming it I was using a 5V powersource to match the fabISP. At one point I forgot to switch my power supply
from 3.3V to 5V and the fabISP was providing 5V input to the MOSI pin. That must have caused some current reversal and made
my attiny non-functional. I didn't have time to replace the component but I plan to change it and continue with this project.