Weeks in chronological order Week one, final project proposal and software installation Week two, laser cutting a kit A snap together kit designed to burn well. Week two, 2D cutting and picking Fun to apply and run Week three, making a microcontroller So very useful, how much we did not know as the solder flowed. Week four, 3D scanning and printing Tetrahedral centers for a springy crystal model. Week five, make something big Dog does not believe model will pass for big. Week six, modify a microcontroller Eagle flies right into a double sided board full of vias. Week seven, 3D modeling and casting Intersecting spherical potential energy surfaces. Antimony output. Week eight, microcontroller programming A six sided die simulator Week nine, composites Pressing burlap epoxy composites with an atmosphere. Week ten, input devices Three ways to measure temperature per board, RTD, NTC, and tiny44 internal. Week eleven, output A sound effects generator making noise. Week twelve, network meltdown Charlie Brown, you block-head. Week thirteen, argle bargle bargle Week fourteen, machines Machine building x y color.