Week Twelve: Network Meltdown

Lots of reading up on AVR. Lots of sketching and designing, kibitzing and tangential wandering.

No boards, no network. Designs changing so fast that realization would mean chucking an hour to cut, stuff and solder an unusable board. Nope.

A realization that ArduinoIDE ease of use is not worth the loss of agency, so back to C code and libraries. “Make: AVR Programming” by Elliot Williams hit just the right level for me, in terms of the why’s and how’s of micro-controller coding.

What I made this week was a 6″x24″x24″ block of blue foam using the vacuum garment bag and minimal Gorilla glue. The resulting block rings nicely when struck, suggesting good glue fill and adhesion. That is all.












After all that, I was able to connect the two boards together. fandrive_and_tempsense

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