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Week 4 - 3d Scanning and Printing


3d Printing


This week's design involved 3d printing a complex geometry. I experimented with

fractal geometries emerging from simple rules.


Sample of rule used

Rule Sample

I used Rhino and Grasshopper to produce a variety of geometries based on the rule.


Variations of design

complex design 1

complex design 2


Final Design

complex design 3


I decided to use the Z-Corp 3d printer to print this design due to its really fine detail.


disaster 1

disaster 2

disaster 3

The excavation of the print from the powder was going surprisingly well.

However, the geometry was hollow at the center and filled with powder which pushed

the walls. The external supporting structure could not withstand the pressure and at

some point it crumbled apart. Bottom line, don't use the Z-Corp except if you have

a very solid model, and maybe not even then...


Second Attempt

After the failure of the first design I decided to use the Maker Bot which produces

more rigid prints. However, having used it in the past I was aware of how hard is

to break the supporting material when having an intricate design. Therefore I produced

a simpler design based on the same rule.


Second Design

second design


3d printed result

The result seemed pretty good this time. However, my fears about the

supporting material were true...


3d print with support

After a lot of effort in breaking the supports, the final result was pretty good.

final result 1

final result 2

final result 3



3d Scanning


I experimented with 123Catch and I created a 3d model of me.