Background: I was inspired by the smart work of the crew that made the Alien Flatpack Stool and I set out to build a super simple, sleek stool that my boyfriend could use in lieu of his super awkward and uncomfortable stool at art school.
I learned a lot in the process. First, that I needed to be a more experienced designer to achieve the same ratios of Alien Flatpack Stool. I really like their minimal use of materials - and while I played around with minimizing the use of materials, my ability to manipulate the software still has me using mostly 90 degree angles. Second, making a piece that is ergonomic takes a few trial runs - and is something I will aim to do in the future. Third, Autodesk Fusion failed to export my dxf file for me - which meant that at the last minute, Jose (a super helpful classmate) had to help me redesign my piece in a much simplier form in Solidworks. All in all though, my second attempt to make furniture was a nice expansion from the first (see week 2).
Software used: I used the newly launched AutoDesk Fusion. It's a cloud software - which means I didn't have any of my files store natively. This was nice in some ways - though super frustrating when I went to use the Shopbot and couldn't export the dxf file.