For this week assignment, we were asked to redraw the echo hello-world board and a add button and LED to it
Because I have zero background in electronics, before starting this week's assignment, I spent a while reading and learning more about electronics. Following Jeff's recommendation I read a few chapters from 'Getting started in Electronics'. It was exactly what I needed - a very friendly, basic, illustrated tutorial!
In order to start the assignment, I uploaded the fab_lib to eagle. I added all the components to the schematic and connected them by nets, labels and names. I gave value to the 3 resistors in the board. My only error message was that the button component has no value. Because buttons don’t contain any values, I ignored the error massage and moved the board view..
Making the traces in the board view were the nicest part. In some places, I needed to adjust the trace width a little bit, so that it won’t get too close to the other traces.
After I arranged all the traces properly, I exported the file to png, and added some graphics in Photoshop.
Then, I collected all the components at the shop, and glue them to a real size print of the board that I made earlier.
Milling the board in the modela
Soldering was much easier for me now then it was in the previous assignment!
The LED resistor’s value should be about 170 OHM. Because the shop only has 100 or 499 OHM resistors I soldered two 499 OHM resistors on top of each other, so that now the resistor’s value will be about 250 OHM! (thanks Will the TA for the great tip!)