import processing.serial.*; import controlP5.*; import processing.opengl.*; // Controller ControlP5 MyController; // 2D Boot PImage Boot2D; // Vibrators int[] VibratorStatus = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; float[] VibratorX = {70,50,125,80,150,150,80,150}; //relative to top left location of Boot2D float[] VibratorY = {50,150,150,250,250,350,450,450}; //relative to top left location of Boot2D float VibratorDiameter = 40; int VibratorClicks = 0; int VibratorMessage; String VibratorWords; byte[] Message = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // Temp and Strain ControlGroup messageBox; Textlabel tempTextlabel, strainTextlabel; Textlabel tempTextvalue, strainTextvalue; String temperature = "14"; String strain = "n/a"; int straintest = 0; // Title Button b1, b2; DropdownList d1; // 3D Boot Variables int val = 0; // To store data from serial port, used to color background int xoffl = 1; int xoffh = 1; int xonl = 1; int xonh = 1; int yoffl = 1; int yoffh = 1; int yonl = 1; int yonh = 1; int count = 1; int byte2 = 0; int byte3 = 0; int byte4 = 0; float HighX =.4; float LowX = .4; float degreesx = 0; float degreesy = 0; // Serial Port Serial port3; // com3, left of laptop Serial port6; // com6, right of laptop // SETUP void setup() { size(1000,850,P3D); background(0); lights(); // 2D Boot variables Boot2D = loadImage("footprint.png"); //load the footprint onto the program // Vibrators drawVibrators(); // Slider noStroke(); MyController = new ControlP5(this); MyController.addSlider("PWM", 0, 255, 127, width*3/4, height/4+550, 200, 20) .setNumberOfTickMarks(10); //MyController.addSlider("name of slider", min range, max range, starting balue, x location, y location, width, height); // Temp and Strain createMessageBox(); //Title d1 = MyController.addDropdownList("myList-dl") .setPosition(100,100); customize(d1); // Serial println(Serial.list()); port3 = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); //use the first available port port6 = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600); //use second port } // DRAWING void draw() { hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST); pushMatrix(); clear(); draw3DBoot(); // popMatrix(); hint(DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); } void mousePressed() { // things that only need to change when I click something if(overVibrator()){ drawVibrators(); VibratorClicks = VibratorClicks + 1; createVibratorMessage(); //portout.write(Message); port3.write(Message); } } // Vibrators boolean overVibrator() { boolean answer = false; for(int i = 0; i < VibratorStatus.length; i++){ float disX = width*3/4+VibratorX[i] - mouseX; float disY = height/4+VibratorY[i] - mouseY; if (sqrt(sq(disX) + sq(disY)) < VibratorDiameter/2 ) { if (VibratorStatus[i] == 1){ VibratorStatus[i] = 0; } else { VibratorStatus[i] = 1; } answer = true; } } return answer; } void drawVibrators(){ stroke(255); for (int i = 0; i < VibratorStatus.length; i++){ fill(VibratorStatus[i]*255,0,0); stroke(VibratorStatus[i]*255,0,0); ellipse(width*3/4+VibratorX[i], height/4+VibratorY[i], VibratorDiameter, VibratorDiameter); } } void createVibratorMessage(){ // Message = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; for (int i = 0; i < VibratorStatus.length; i++){ Message[i] = (byte)VibratorStatus[i]; } //A = board1 or 2 //B = vibrator number 0-7 //C = on (1) or off (2) //D = pwm hundreds value //E = pwm tens value //F = pwm ones value //G = //H = println(Message); } // TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN void createMessageBox(){ // create a group to store the messageBox elements messageBox = MyController.addGroup("messageBox", width*3/4, height/4-70, 175); messageBox.setBackgroundHeight(60); messageBox.setBackgroundColor(color(37,94,253)); messageBox.hideBar(); // add static TextLabels to messageBox tempTextlabel = MyController.addTextlabel("tempTextlabel", "Temp (F): ", 10, 15); // tempTextlabel.moveTo(messageBox); strainTextlabel = MyController.addTextlabel("strainTextlabel", "Strain: ", 10, 35); strainTextlabel.moveTo(messageBox); // add variable TextLabels to message Box tempTextvalue = MyController.addTextlabel("tempTextvalue", temperature, 80, 15); tempTextvalue.moveTo(messageBox); strainTextvalue = MyController.addTextlabel("strainTextvalue", strain, 80, 35); strainTextvalue.moveTo(messageBox); } void updateMessageBox(){ //tempTextvalue.setValue(strain); //straintest++; //tempTextvalue.setValue(str(straintest)); } // TITLE void customize(DropdownList ddl) { // a convenience function to customize a DropdownList ddl.setItemHeight(20); ddl.setBarHeight(40); ddl.captionLabel().style().marginTop = 3; ddl.captionLabel().style().marginLeft = 3; ddl.valueLabel().style().marginTop = 3; ddl.addItem("HTM(A)A Astronaut Smart Boot", 0); ddl.addItem("MASSAGE MODE!", 1); ddl.setColorBackground(color(0)); ddl.setColorActive(color(255, 128)); ddl.setIndex(0); ddl.setWidth(300); } // 3D BOOT void draw3DBoot(){ // to have both 2d and 3d, boot and vibrators must be drawn within 3Dboot function. image(Boot2D, width*3/4, height/4, Boot2D.width*.75, Boot2D.height*.75); //img, x, y, scalex, scaley drawVibrators(); translate(width/4, height/2, 0); stroke(255); rotateX(radians(90)); rotateX(radians(degreesy)); rotateY(radians(degreesx)); // base fill(153,204,255); // light blue beginShape(); vertex(-100, 0, 0); vertex(100, 0,0); vertex(100, 50, 0); vertex(-100,50,0); endShape(CLOSE); // base walls fill(153,204,255); beginShape(); vertex(-100, 0, 0); vertex(-100, 0, 20); vertex(100, 0,20); vertex(100, 0,0); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(-100, 50, 0); vertex(-100, 50, 20); vertex(100, 50,20); vertex(100, 50,0); endShape(CLOSE); fill(160,160,160); beginShape(); vertex(100, 0,20); vertex(100, 50, 0); vertex(100, 50, 20); vertex(-100,50,0); vertex(-100,50,20); vertex(-100, 0, 0); vertex(-100, 0, 20); vertex(100, 0,0); vertex(100, 0,20); vertex(100, 50, 0); vertex(100, 50, 20); vertex(-100,50,0); vertex(-100,50,20); // Top of Toes vertex(-100, 0, 20); vertex(100, 0,20); vertex(100, 50, 20); vertex(-100,50,20); vertex(-100,0,20); // Top of Ankle vertex(20, 0, 50); vertex(100, 0,50); vertex(100, 50, 50); vertex(20,50,50); vertex(20,0,50); // Calf vertex(20, 0, 80); vertex(100, 0,80); vertex(100, 50, 80); vertex(20,50,80); vertex(20,0,80); endShape(CLOSE); } // SERIAL - Called whenever there is something available to read void serialEvent(Serial port6) { // Data from the Serial port is read in serialEvent() using the read() function and assigned to the global variable: val int byte1 = byte2; byte2 = byte3; byte3 = byte4; byte4 =; if (count == 1){ xoffl = byte4; count = 2; //println("--count:" + count); println("xoffl:" + xoffl); } else if (count == 2){ xoffh = byte4; count = 3; //println("--count:" + count); println("xoffh:" + xoffh); } else if (count == 3){ xonl = byte4; count = 4; // println("--count:" + count); println("xonl:" + xonl); } else if (count == 4){ xonh = byte4; count = 5; //println("--count:" + count); println("xonh:" + xonh); } else if (count == 5){ yoffl = byte4; count = 6; //println("--count:" + count); println("yoffl:" + yoffl); } else if (count == 6){ yoffh = byte4; count = 7; //println("--count:" + count); println("yoffh:" + yoffh); } else if (count == 7){ yonl = byte4; count = 8; //println("--count:" + count); println("yonl:" + yonl); } else if (count == 8){ yonh = byte4; count = 9; //println("--count:" + count); println("yonh:" + yonh); } if ((count==9) && ((byte1==1) && (byte2==2) && (byte3==3) && (byte4==4))){ println("YAAAAAAAY"); count = 1; } float xoff = 256*xoffh+xoffl; float xon = 256*xonh+ xonl; float xvalue = xoff/(xon+xoff); float yoff = 256*yoffh+yoffl; float yon = 256*yonh+ yonl; float yvalue = yoff/(yon+yoff); degreesx = map(xvalue, .3, .55, -90, 90); degreesy = map(yvalue, .3, .55, -90, 90); // .3 to .55 println("------------------XVALUE " + degreesx); println("------------------YVALUE " + degreesy); //println("------------------High " + HighX); //println("------------------Low " + LowX); }