I programmed my attiny44 board to respond to a button push and make an LED blink in the process. This did not work in the desired week, so I revisited this assignment and finished it at a later date.
I set up the WinAVR gcc package in my computer, and to test the board I used an AVR ISP MKII programmer provided by Atmel. According to the instruction given in the class page, I burned the proper fuse and uploaded the test echo program to the flash memory first. After a few troubleshooting steps, I could not figure out what was going wrong. I checked for shorts and checked the voltage level in different junctions, but could not figure out the source of the problem.
With a new milled and stuffed board, I had much success. I successfully uploaded the echo program this time, and used the Arduino environment to write a simple program that listens for a button push on a digital i/o pin and makes the led in the board on/off. Here's a video showing the board in action.
Click on the link if the video doesn't load.