The assignment this week was to make an interface for an input and/or output device. Having spent the past few days away for the break, I decided to come back and play with the accelerometer output device from a few weeks back.


Thanks to Oliver’s help I was able to get my project to work this week! I used Firelfy for Grasshopper as an interface for the fabduino. Using code from input week, it was quickly realized all of the values were in the same line.

“4.77-22.58” which represented X=4.77 Y=-22.58

When I first attempted the values in grasshopper it was not able to seperate the values into X and Y. So after reading some online blog post an returning to the Arduino code, I changed the arduino code to output sequnce by placing the letter “A” into the sequence instead of the tab sign. Also, reduced the outout of the fabduino to lowerst milli-G and then left the rest of the conversion into angle for my computer.

This is my working Grasshopper/Firefly window boards

Since I was running out of time I just created a simple “X” graphic that has the capacity to move around the screen when I move the accelerometer in my hand.

Accelerometer in action