How Tiandra Makes (Almost) Anything

Electronics Production

Making the Hello World Board!

I worked together with Rachel Nations for this week’s assignment (since we both missed it week of and needed to make it up later)
We made the schematic in Eagle, which was a bit of a learning curve. But with the help of some tutorials from our classmates’ pages as well as past years we were able to figure it out!
We then routed the board, turned off all layers but "top" and "pads," and exported the file as a monochrome .png
Board Milled
Time for milling! We had some trouble with the outline but was able to fix it up with an exacto knife.
Board Milled
Stuffing the board went quicker than the Fab ISP (hooray for getting better at things!)
Board Milled
And there it is- hopefully we can get to programming it soon!