How to Make (Almost) Anything

Project 05

Scale Defines Functions

Parameters: Make a structure, CNC joint, 2D->3D, Computer-controlled Machining, XL
Tool: C.R ONSRUD 96C18
Material: Test 1: Plywood 0.43" thick, 60"x72" Test 2: Birch Plywood 0.45" thick, 60'x60"

Design: Vortex Orchid, Seat, Lustre, Garden Table + Seat
Translation from 2D elements to 3D assembly system + Elasticity + Structural resistance by CNC joints
Living Hinges, Kerf Bending Wood

Drawings Programs: Creating a volume in Rhino, Exporting to MasterCam
Test 1: The first iteration was made from a pattern cut all the way through the wood, following the grain direction allowing a lot of elasticity. But the scale of the pattern, the quality of the wood before I upgraded to birch, and the scale of the palm seemed to compromise the aimed result. So I decided to correct these parameters.
Test 2: Trying all at once several modifications following advices of successful kerfing techniques used for the MIT pavilion 3 years ago: changing the pattern to leaving the onion skin at the bottom, scaling down the palm, and going perpendicular to the grain... ended up compromising all elasticity. This technique could allow more weight support but would require to humidify the wood and apply constant even force to form it and give it a week.
Test 3: The Master Cam was pretty intricate given the 3 remachining required. More details to add. After correcting a few parameters back to test 1, I started the final cutting but the endmill broke in the last quarter of the work. I plan to go back finish.