Input Input
Parameters: Transmit Receive Step Response, PCB Design, Connecting Circuit Boards, Programming Circuit Boards, Computer-controlled Milling, Soldering, Assembling, Programming, Computer-aided Manufacturing
Tool: FabISP programmer, AVRisp MKII programmer, Fab Modules by Neil Gershenfeld Soldering Iron, Fab Modules by Neil Gershenfeld
Programs: Arduino, Language: C, Python
Material: Copper Board, Components
Description: Following the 3 steps workflow of embedded programming
$ sudo make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make
$ sudo make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make program-usbtiny-fuses
$ sudo make -f hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make program-usbtiny
Look for the port used by the programmer with ls /dev/tty*
Finally, get the GUI with $ python /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Modified Hello-World board.
Remember that if PCB has no crystal/resonator, step 2 should not contain "fuses" or it will burn it!
Process: This week I realized my FabISP was dead and got preoccupied in having a proper platform for my final project. So I chose the Motion Sensor and started by focusing on making it work even unmodified while I was making a FABDUINO. But recurrent issues with the Modela slowed down the process and I also bunrt 2 AtMega 328p before my board started peeling off. The Motion Sensor works: I just didn't manage to catch the right screen shot! Meanwhile I regrouped and made a Hello.Arduino.328p .
More issues with the Modela (milling distance, connection lost, screws...) made it impossible to mill the 3D axis board I wanted to modify in order to study how to connect 3D axis with 3 channels sound modulation through operational amplifiers. I think.
For the Motion Sensor, the bootloading and programming went smoothly.
I have to program my Hello.Arduino.328p.