Dhruv Jain

Embedded Programming

Programming the custom made ATTiny breakout board

This is just a straightforward assignment about programming the echo hello world board that we made in Project 6 using the FabISP programmer that we made in Project 3 using as many progarmming languages as possible.

This is just a straightforward assignment about programming the echo hello world board that we made in Project 6 using the FabISP programmer that we made in Project 3 using as many progarmming languages as possible.

As I know about these electronics, I read the datasheet of ATTiny and wrote two codes - One using arduino IDE with ATTiny board and the other using the c language (Atmel programming). For the latter, I used Neal's code as a base and wrote my own buttom input, and led output code into that. Both the codes, used button as input and trigger the Led output. I used Neal's programming command and makefile. I couldn't make the board program through arduino directly, so I copied the hex file generated from aruduino compilation, and modified Neal's command to direclty port it to the ATTiny.