3D scanning and printing

3D scanned and printed object

This week I went to Copenhagen, to attend to a International Conference called Design Modelling Copenhagen 2015. You can see the slides from my oun site.

Meeting people

I had time to stop by Copenhagen Fablab and looked around to see whats happening. It was inside a citizen-culture center and combined with a ceramicts center and a little atelier. The place was funded by the local government and anyone can enter. (They seem to have more than one fablabs, but they say its not official since they don't have a time slot open to the public.)
I was surprised that the place is open untill 11pm without any closed days except new years eve.
Brian, in the 3rd and 4th picture was making a paper-cup stereo which will be used for a music event next week in the area. Michael, in the forth picture is the manager of the place. He told me a lots of stories about whats happening inside this place like the laser cutter was dominated by architecture students, and the video conference system was stolen two times.
The people there welcomed me very warmly and I was moved the strong network that this fablab community has. The two guys even helped me do the scanning assignment!

Fig1. copenhagen

Fig2. copenhagen

Fig3. copenhagen

Fig4. copenhagen

3D Scanning

so the scanning was done in Fablab Copenhagen, using the hand Sense scanner. Micheal introduced me this round chair and I used Brian's camera pod to fix the scanner.
By doing it a number of times, I was able to obtain this 3d object, having minor issues to save it as a stl file. (Somehow we needed administer rights to save in Windows.)

Fig5. copenhagen

Fig6. scanned dragon

3D Printing

I returned to Boston and did the 3d printing. The first model I used Rhinoceros to make a tangled cube object. I failed the first time since the inner cube had not enough landing area to be stable while printing. In addition, the beams was too long to hold the hot fibers.
for the next attempt, I added more volume to the support, and scaled the original object to 80%. The final output went well!

I made a second model using Antimony. I wanted to make something using Gyroid (a mathmatically defined minimal surface) and thought that it will be easier for Antimony to do those shapes. In fact I found a coponent that exactly creates what I wanted. I boolean-differenced using cube and added a base to holed the thing when its printed. I tried to fiddle with the formula and make variations of that shape, but the software became unstable and wasn't not able to export it in stl. So I sticked to the original gyroid.
while playing with Antimony, I wanted to output lists(or arrays) of objects, but did not know how to. I learned that it is possible by adding the definitions by bit operation '|'. The printing went well without any errors for my gyroid object.

Fig6. rendering of nested cube

Fig6. rendering of nested cube

Fig6. rendering of nested cube

Fig6. rendering of nested cube

Fig6. rendering of nested cube

Fig6. rendering of nested cube